Biden’s fitness for another term as President is newsworthy. The GOP and media have normalized Trump’s crimes, abhorrent behavior, and demented ramblings and lies. The two candidates are held to different moral, ethical, and performance standards. And that is also newsworthy.
President is basically King in Official Acts
The Supreme Court says the President is immune from prosecution for “official acts.” But good luck parsing official acts from unofficial. And official acts can’t be used as evidence in other charges. A second Trump term just became much more dangerous.
Christian Nationalist agenda in Oklahoma Schools
Oklahoma says all public schools must place the Bible in every grade 5-12 class and every teacher must teach from the Bible. Not sure how that’s going to work in Calculus. But that’s not their point. Their point is pushing an agenda of Christian Nationalism. Which is antithetical to the religion freedoms on which our country was founded.
Ten Commandments in School
a·dul·ter·y - noun - voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse.