No Longer a Beacon of Freedom
Isolationist. Cozied up to dictators. Not supporting allies. We are no longer the beacon of freedom to the world.
Putin’s Puppet
Trump saying that Ukraine should have rolled over for a dictator invading their sovereign land is so un-American, it’s shameful. Trump is just a puppet for Putin, who is not our friend.
Trump’s References
When the guy’s references are all authoritarian dictators, that tells you what he wants to be.
Putin’s Interference
Russia has been caught secretly funding several right wing social media influencers to spread propaganda and influence the US elections to favor Russian interests.
Putin’s Biggest Fans
Trump wants to be just like him.
Music to Putin’s Ears
Trump says he won’t honor the most fundamental part of the NATO alliance, and it’s music to Putin’s ears.
In Russia, windows tend to be hazardous to the health of anyone who criticizes Putin.
Still Standing 🇺🇦
One year since Ukraine was invaded and it’s still standing. Not sure many would have thought they’d resist Putin so strongly. 🇺🇦
Citizen Snowden
Former NSA consultant, Edward Snowden, has been living in Russia since fleeing the US after leaking highly classified information about US surveillance programs.
In a move that’s likely an attempt to thumb his nose at the US, Vladimir Putin has now given Snowden Russian citizenship.
Of course, Putin also just instituted a draft to replenish his army that’s taken heavy losses from their invasion of Ukraine.
So, careful, Snowden, something else might be coming along with that citizenship: a draft notice.
Russian Windows
It seems like falling out of windows is becoming one of the leading causes of death in Russia. At least for anyone who opposes or questions Vladimir Putin.
The Chairman of the Board for Lukoil, one of the largest oil producers in Russia, died after falling from a hospital window. Of course that happened after he had criticized Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Newsweek has a good overview of the many times this keeps happening.
In the meantime, stay away from windows in Russia.
Catch that Word Balloon!
With a few off-the-cuff words at the end of an important speech, Biden might have reshaped the nature of this conflict with Russia, putting Putin in a position of saying the American government is actively working on regime change in his country.
Now, Joe’s not wrong, but saying it publicly in a speech by the President of the United States carries a heavy weight. Which is why his team has tried hard to walk back those words.
Just like helium balloons, some word balloons can be a real hazard if you just let them go.
We’ll see how this shapes up.
a mixture of saliva and mucus coughed up from the respiratory tract, typically as a result of infection or other disease and often examined microscopically to aid medical diagnosis.
Increase the Pressure
More and harsher economic sanctions. More international pressure. Here’s hoping this all blows up in your face, Vladimir.
Our Democracy is in Jeopardy
Our democracy is in jeopardy. It’s fine to criticize the President. It’s your right. Heck, it’s your duty. But this past week we’ve seen many “leaders” and prominent political figures - Trump, MTG, Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon - who seem to have better things to say about Putin than their own President.
Let’s be clear: Putin does not wish the US well. He wants to tear down US influence and power globally. He wants to amass power and wealth for himself. And he is the one who invaded Ukraine with no imminent existential threat to Russia or its citizens. He’s a bad guy and people praising him are not helping the US.
It used to be that crisis would bring the majority of Americans together. This is not a good look.
History Rhymes
As Putin justifies his invasion with talk of unifying his people, protecting the “oppressed” in the Donbas region, it starts to sound similar to echoes of the past. Just noting that appeasement didn’t work out so well back then.
No one wants war, but one starts to get the impression that Putin is undeterred by our threats over Ukraine. 🤔