Who are these Bogeymen?

While there’s undoubtedly waste, what Musk and Trump are really doing is cutting programs they just don’t like. And agencies that would investigate or regulate them. All despite Congress passing bills to fund and spend on these programs and agencies. Trump and Musk just lie and misdirect to talk only about fraud and waste.

A study in contrast

A study in contrast: the Democrat response to Sen. Menendez being indicted on corruption charges, vs. the Texas GOP clearing Texas Attorney General Paxton of corruption chargers in his impeachment.

So far, the Democratic Governor of NJ, several Representatives and some Senators have called for Menendez to step down. There’s even an announced primary challenger.

Innocence until proven guilty is always the presumption. But we ensure follow through to drive corruption out of government when there’s such clear evidence and it can be proven.

Ken Paxton Reeks of Corruption

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton reeks of corruption. So much so that he’s facing lawsuits and indictments, and was charged with 16 articles of impeachment from the Texas House based on whistleblower accounts of his abuse of office and trading favors for political donations. He’s using taxpayer funds to pay a $3.3 million settlement for retaliation against whistleblowers.  Yet still, the Texas Senate GOP held their nose and acquitted him.

Just another example of putting party over the people.

Clarence Doesn’t Pay

Luxury trips, real estate, private school tuition for a dependent, payments to his wife with her name removed from the invoice to disguise it - Clarence Thomas is willing to take it all from rich benefactors without disclosing it.

It’s not the way our Supreme Court Justices should act.

It’s a Bad Look

Harlan Crow, billionaire sugar daddy to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, reportedly has a collection of Nazi memorabilia including a Hitler-autographed copy of “Mein Kampf” and a painting by Hitler.

Let’s face it, even if you’re a history buff, collecting Nazi memorabilia is not a good look.

Clarence on a Familiar Yacht

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has received free luxury vacations - including private jets, yachts, private resorts, and overseas trips - from a wealthy GOP donor for decades, without ever reporting it on any disclosures. The ethical lapses and corruption further undermines public trust in the Supreme Court. It continues Thomas’s reputation of questionable behavior, including his refusal to recuse himself from cases that tangentially involve his wife, back to his sexual harassment of Anita Hill. We deserve better.